BiteBack Sweet Relief Cream - Use for intense itching - Calms and cares for the skin - Anti mosquito
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♡ 'What a relief' the Sweet Relief line of Biteback products helps your horse to get rid of that annoying itch.
♡ The Sweet Relief Cream can be used in horses that suffer from (stinging) mosquitoes and flies and tend to rub themselves after being bitten.
♡ The Sweet Relief Cream can be used for severe itching and the strongest of all Biteback products. The difference with the Sweet Relief Lotion? The cream is more concentrated.
♡ Start using the cream on time (actually when the skin is not yet affected). The cream forms a barrier against mosquitoes and flies and prevents your horse from chafing and biting.
♡ Natural Ingredients, Cruelty Free, NO Nasties!
Not for you
» Does your horse have sensitive skin? Then try the Sweet Relief Lotion or Sweet Relief Silver Cream.